

It’s essential to distinguish between the origin of the Theobroma Cacao tree and the process of making chocolate. Despite decades of research, there is still no consensus on the source of cultivated cacao, although it was likely the Olmecs who first domesticated the plant or discovered the chocolate-making process. As a result, it’s plausible to assume that the Olmecs were the first farmers to cultivate cacao and recognize the value of healthy soil. Soil is the foundation of life, and healthy soil is essential for the growth of plants as it contains essential nutrients and microbial life. FRIDO is sustainably and directly imported from local farmers in Southern Mexico who cultivate cacao in agroforests surrounded by a variety of fruits, flowers, and spices. The soil in these agroforests is renowned for its rich nutrients, resulting in the most perfect ‘God’s fruit,’ Cacao, which is carefully cultivated and shared with you.

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