
What is

The journey through ancestral traditions. The evolution of cacao processing from ancient grinding stones to modern techniques. We delve deep into the rich tapestry of history and culture that surrounds the roots of cacao consumption in Mexico. Tracing it back to its indigenous origins and the remarkable methods and cosmovision that have been passed down through generations.

The journey through ancestral traditions. The evolution of cacao processing from ancient grinding stones to modern techniques. We delve deep into the rich tapestry of history and culture that surrounds the roots of cacao consumption in Mexico. Tracing it back to its indigenous origins and the remarkable methods and cosmovision that have been passed down through generations.

Frido proposes an avant-garde vision of the meaning of unconditional love towards the collective, creating loving, beautiful, sincere and protective structures from Cacao.

Who is

FRIDO the androgynous, who combines the masculine and the feminine, the energies of nature, cacao and art to create a collision of stars, a dance of colours and flavours. FRIDO is not limited to one person; it encompasses the bohemian, astrologer, poet, and muse, the alchemist, lover, and stargazer. Unlocks deep mysteries, honours sacred rituals, and inspires a new way of life.

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